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Jacksonville Beaches Lawn and Landscaping Blog


The Pond and Waterfall Lifestyle

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The Pond and Waterfall Lifestyle

Now imagine this….  You are invited over to a friend’s house for dinner, and to have some drinks by their new, “home improvement”.  But it’s a surprise and you can’t see it until after dinner.  Now the mystery is growing.  Dinner turns out great, and next thing you know, wine bottles are being opened, glasses being poured, and you are being escorted to a patio that has 4 chairs and a table.  On the table there is a candle lit, and flowers in a vase.  You can feel the breeze created by a small fan blowing toward the table from near several lit tiki torches.  You all sit down and your friends direct your attention toward the house and say……. “Will you look at that new paint!  Isn’t it awesome!!  But that’s not all!  Check out the new gutters too!!!”

I’m sure you would be thinking, “are you out of your #@!%$# mind??

Think about it, gutters and paint are legitimate home improvements.  As would be a new roof, or plumbing, or windows or whatever you can think of.  Now let’s think about a different home improvement, that I would rather from here moving forward call a, “Lifestyle Enhancement”.

Now imagine it is your house, and you invited over those same friends.  They are escorted to the backyard, as the sun is going down and the lights are turned on.  The same table and chairs awaits, but this time to their amazement memories of being on vacation is filling their mind with the sound of the waterfall echoing in the backyard.  As you get closer the soothing waterfall sounds and the lights highlighting the waterfalls and specimen plants begin to induce an atmosphere that can only be rivaled by being near a real waterfall in the mountains.  Except this one is in your backyard.

Now you have created an atmosphere that may require you to kick your guests out at bedtime because everyone is so mesmerized by your new, “Lifestyle Enhancement”.

New siding just can’t compare.

Our goal, as is should be your goal, is to create a space for you.  While entertaining is great, it is not an everyday type thing for most people.  You NEED a place to unwind.  Even if you’re as laid back as I am, it still does me wonders to go sit on my 2 ton rock in the front yard and melt into it.

I look at it as my little outdoor office.  I go out there and sit if I’m on the phone and to work on the computer sometimes.  A lot of times before bed I will go out there and watch the water flow (lights are key!).  I have also been known to sit out there with a book sometimes.   And let’s not forget that we have a five year old.  Over the past 4 years, how often do you think I sat with him while he was playing mesmerized by the waterfall?  There is no doubt about it, kids LOVE water features.   These are some of the ways I benefit from my pondless waterfall.  

Why sure kids love water gardens right?  Well what about dogs?  I came home one July afternoon and found my neighbor’s lab lying in the stream.  And he wasn’t in a big rush to leave either, HAHA!  It was very cute.

There are half a dozen specimen plants around the waterfall that are lit up, along with an assortment of flowers that stay blooming and attract butterflies and hummingbirds.  It is truly a sight to see, especially at night.  The synergy you get from the sum of moving water, the rocks, plants, and lights is real.  You can, “feel it”.  And I am thankful for it.

There is a second part to it that I enjoy.  At my root level, I am a hardcore landscaping enthusiast.   I am constantly searching out the new plant that would be perfect, “right there”.  As I find really unique plants, like my, “weeping blue atlas cedar”, I’m getting it, and It’s getting lit up.  There is nothing glamorous about pulling weeds, or deadheading flowers, but there I am in my little relaxation pod, doing just that.  I don’t mind it, I actually enjoy it.  It gives me a good reason to be out there if I know I have other stuff to do!  

They say that gardening is therapeutic, so if we have created close to 200 of these, “Lifestyle Enhancements”, does that mean I am seeking out more therapy or seeking out jobs when we get new clients?

The truth is, I have crafted a skill that can benefit everyone who takes the plunge.  I understand that what I do is not just the work of, “another home improvement contractor”.  We enhance people’s lifestyles.  What I can create for you can benefit you more than you now know, and because of that, I am an advocate for the creation of beautiful natural looking water features. 

Dig a little deeper.  Talk to some of our clients, view some of our projects in person.  Leave no stone unturned in your quest for the ultimate vacation at home.  You deserve it!

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Jax Beach Lawns, INC
(904) 333-0411
1509 Declaration Drive
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250